September 11, 2019. Fourth Anniversary

Dear Lucas,

            Today is the 4th anniversary of the birthday of your death.  When you died Lucas, I whispered a very painful and tearful good bye into your serene ear in an agonizing day like today four years ago.  A forced goodbye hurt the most when a beautiful story starts, develop so brightly and promising, and then is not finished because the book has been shut closed suddenly and violently forever.  It has been four years since the birthday of your death, but it feels that it was just yesterday.

            In spite of my days full of rushing, languishing and uninspiring activities, my obstinate heart still cannot admit that you are not with us anymore.  You were a great and important part of my power and of my whole existence.  Since you left, there has been not a single day that I have not missed you.  It is not easy for me to carry on the hard job of living with this eroding pain, but still, it is an unvarying and taxing reminder of your physical absence.

            It is a clear truth that every one of us has to die one day and this is one of the many bitter truths of life.  I can live with any bitterness that life throws at me, but I cannot come to terms with your death.  My eyes get filled with burning but sweet tears when I reflect that you are gone for forever.  They are burning tears because I cannot hug you anymore Lucas, and they are sweet because I still have your memory and your dazzling smile living in my heart.  This has been very draining for all of us.
            We always have days to celebrate, days that we remember to remember, to cherish and to be grateful for.  Today, I will remember, cherish and be grateful, even though today it is for a sad and heartbreaking remembrance I wish I never had.  Today marks the fourth anniversary of the death of my beloved Lucas Martino, it marks the tragic, terrible and incomprehensible lost of your young life that was at all times vibrant, intelligent, sweet, charismatic and so talented.  You were only 16 year old!  You were a gift in every sense of the word. 

            The terrible loss of you taught me that grief does not change me, but it reveals me.  Grieving is an unfortunate and hard journey that forced me to learn how to love you in a new and different way.  For me, grief is like a furious ocean that hits me with exploding fatuous waves that after hitting me, they ebb and flow away, unworried.  Sometimes the waves are calm and soothing, but other times, more often; are overwhelming.  I am still learning how to swim in these fickle waters.

            Four years ago in panic I listened to the thunderous sound of nothing, of the emptiness.  I heard the sound of you Lucas breathing no more.  Trembling, I waited for the sound of another strained inhale from you.  It never came.  I only heard the mute sound of my heart shrieking when it never came.  Four years ago, I lost you Lucas.  I lost you forever...

            You left us dragging with you the sun of our lives on that sad day.  The sun came back the next day, but you did not.  In a split second, we were left only with an empty room, mountains of beautiful memories and so many unanswered, bitter questions.  I saw you parting away while I clutched on with all of my defeated might.  I have never been so horrified in my life.  I was brutally thrown into a new, horrendous universe.  These past four years have been the most heart-wrenchingly painful, confusing years of my life.

            But you left me with a gift, Lucas; with a beautiful gift that makes my existence tolerable and dries my most felt tears.  You left me with wonderful memories and your pure and sincere smile fused to my life.  This conveys me that I cannot cross an ocean of pain by merely standing at its edge and staring at its murky waters.  It also tells me that if I cry because you are gone out of my life, my tears will prevent me from seeing the stars where you are living amongst.  It also taught me that love is an endless mystery of unbreakable inscrutability, because there is no reasonable foundation that could explain it or kowtow it.  That powerful love for you Lucas lives forever in my aging heart.

            I celebrate today the birth of your death with a high spirit and a heart full of love for you, my dear son Lucas.  I celebrate your life Lucas but with no respect for death.  She is cold, aloof, and wins every time by uncaring, indifferent means.  I know you would prefer us to celebrate your life, and not your death.  I will do so, Lucas.  I will have a day full of joy and saturated with your memories, I will discover your smile in every corner of the noisy city, I will rediscover your memories in every wrinkle of my essence, I will instill power in my spirit stealing it from your vibrant personality, and I promise not to cry today.  However, I will have to do it tomorrow Lucas; profusely after the sun sets.

Love you forever, Lucas.

Your father