
Dear Lucas,

I am thinking of you, kid.  Love you.

My days seem to be getting darker and I keep on asking myself what loneliness is.  I try to rationalize this devastating estate of my mind, but no logic comes out of my efforts.  Now that you are irreparably gone, I can put some valid perspective on this profound and hadalpelagic loneliness that rules my destitute and futile life.

What really makes us happiest in life?  You often Lucas talked about happiness and how she avoided your life.  Between tears and crying you expressed that the only thing in life you ever wanted, it was to be happy.  I did not know how to make that happen as much as I tried, and that makes me insignificant.  Today, I am in the same spot you were before that painful departure of yours that shattered my defeated life into no more breakable pieces.  I thought I had a family by my side, but I was foolishly dead wrong.  When family abandons and dispose of you, even your best friends are incapable to fill this unfathomable void.  In these times is when the value of the truth suppurates out the truth of the value.

Some people think and believe that happiness is fame and fortune.  Perhaps they are right, because I painfully discovered that family is the real reward, but only when family exist.  Friends, as good and faithful as they might be, they are no match for the companionship and camaraderie of a real family.  Even though our need to connect is instinctive and inherent to our fickle nature, and in spite of our daily connections with others throughout the day, some of us always go home alone and forlorn.  I used to have a “home”, now is just a cold and hostile abode.

You and I know that we can be very busy having lots of people around us all the time or yet, being in a lifelong marriage, but you can still suffer a profound, deep-seated, pervasive and omnipresent loneliness that erodes your life constantly without opposition.  And this is what had inflicted on us this overwhelmingly detrimental and devastating effect on our mental, emotional, and physical health.  Now I know this for sure.

A real family is supposed to provide you with intimate bonds, family is supposed to be the people in who we have a need to confide, people in who we need to feel like we belong with, people around us from who we need to be able to get and give support.  I believe that more than fame, richness, and intelligence; family and friends are the key to a happy life.  When this link is broken, there is no happiness, there is no life, in fact; there is only an intense and heavy loneliness.  Death is perfect loneliness.  Now I know this, and I understand that you knew this before I discovered this sad reality.

Perhaps you Lucas were right all along on this.  Loneliness is a better option to depraved, insincere, and regretful company, a better option to a deceitful family; and the loneliness you sought after, was beyond this mortal coil.  I wonder if you found loneliness out there in the infinite, or perhaps you found the right family, or the right company you deserve.  I really hope you found what you were looking for; I really hope so my dear Lucas.  There is no chance for me to do that here, though.  Ever!  I am trapped... because now, the doors of my life only have doorknobs in the outside.

I am thinking of you, kid.  Love you.

Your Dad.